
Download free scp cb
Download free scp cb

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opens your inventory, and allows you to sprint, but arguably the most important function of all? The, which makes you blink. If you're playing with saves enabled, hit to save whenever you like.

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Move with the or keys, and look around and interact with the mouse. Suddenly alone in the dark and pursued through the maze-like complex by SCP-173 and other creatures, escape seems hard enough, but is just staying alive going to prove a nigh-impossible task? (Spoiler: Probably.)

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So, you know, already not a good day for you, but it's about to get a lot worse when the facility suddenly comes under attack by an unknown enemy and the lights go out. This free indie horror adventure turns you into a disposable Class D grunt, essentially a human guinea pig, who along with a few other poor saps is today working with SCP-173, an animate and highly aggressive construct that can only move when not in a direct line of sight. Based on the entries of the SCP Foundation Wiki, SCP - Containment Breach from Joonas Rikkonen and a group of talented 3D modelers and musicians, is one of those games that makes you go "eeeeee" in increasing pitch and intensity as nerves take hold.

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